What’s NEXT: What todo after you fill out our Personal Style Assesment

You can call to set up a free 15 minute consultation to review the results of your Personal Style Assesment or you can read our series here on recommended next steps and how to anazlyze each section:

Part 4: How to Interpret your answers for Style Aspirations

Setting style aspirations and understanding them are crucial because they provide a roadmap for personal expression and confidence. By defining what style means to you and envisioning the image you want to project, you can make more informed choices about clothing, grooming, and presentation.

Questions 1 through 3: Analyzing answers to these questions involves understanding your individual desired aesthetic, self-perception, sources of inspiration, and wardrobe coherence. By examining keywords, themes, adjectives, and admired styles, we can gain insights into your style preferences, values, and aspirations, which can inform personalized recommendations and guidance for achieving thedesired image.

Question 4: However you answer this question will determine how we recommend next steps for after the assement.

If you answered A or C: You most will most likely want to do a closet reshop, maybe a purge assement, and some light shopping. IF you need recommendations for new clothing brands that match your athethic or utilitarian clothing needs you can either google the items or athsteticyou are looking for or reach out to us via email.

If you answereed B or D : We recommend creating a style vision board, taking a few more assements such as kibbe body type, or participating in a style challenge before moving forward with a wardrobe assemenet purge, or shopping.

Questions 5 & 7: This will help you determine decription words of whereyou want your wardrobe to function or look athesticially it will help you during your closet purge or re-shop in either creating new outfit ideas or determine where you have holes in your wardrobe and help you create a what to shop for list.

Questions 8: This will help you determine the fit and will help you decided what to keep or to tailor during your closet purge or re-shop in either adjusting items fit or determine where you have holes in your wardrobe and help you create a what to shop for list.

Questions 9 & 11: This will help you determine more decription or lifestylke words of how you want or need your wardrobe to function or look athesticially. However you answere will help you during your closet purge or re-shop in either creating new outfit ideas or determine where you have holes in your wardrobe and help you create a what to shop for list.

Have some more questions? Email Orly@zahavischwartz.com and she can get you scheduled for your free 15 minute personal style assesment

Note if you have specific questions about Closet Architeture or a Closet Purge or a Closet Re-shop you can purchase indivualized in-person services(NJ/NY/EASTERN PA/CT ONLY) or virtual sessions. We also will be releasing our popular classes we teach with Ridgewood Community School Virtually by the end of 2024. If you would like a step by step DIY version be on the look out for those or join us in class!