What’s NEXT: What todo after you fill out our Personal Style Assesment

You can call to set up a free 15 minute consultation to review the results of your Personal Style Assesment or you can read our series here on recommended next steps and how to anazlyze each section:

Part 1: How to Interpret your answers for Lifestyle

Question 1: Relates to Work

This is important become many of us get dressed and have to follow a work dress code. Are you a nurse that might be scrubs and specfic kinds of shoes? Do you work in a hair salon your dress code could be all black? Or Do you work in a corporate setting and have a dress code defined as business casual? The answers to any of the questions will let us know how much of your wardrobe needs to either be specifically for your profession and how much we should recommed your budget goes towards this area.

A week has 168 hours, you spend about 24% of your time at week if you work a traditional 40 hour work week. We want to make sure at least for 25% percent of your wardrobe is work appropriate. The clothing you where to work should meet the dresscode requirements of your profession. sometimes they can also do double duty for any social activities.

Question 2 & 3: Lifestyle Activities such as Gym, Hobbies, Social Obligations and how is your day structured

If you work out or attend classes before or after your job, or on weekends, we’ll consider this when planning your wardrobe. Do you go to networking events or take classes outside of work? These might call for specific clothing. This affects how many outfits you’ll need per day and whether you’ll need transitional outfit ideas. We use this information to determine what portion of your wardrobe should cater to different activities. We’ll also explore if some pieces can serve multiple purposes or if they need to be dedicated to one activity.

Question 4: Do you observe any level of Modesty for Religious or personal reasons?

If you’re deeply observant religiously or simply prefer modesty, we’ll tailor our styling to accommodate your preferences. Do you always wear a veil? Do you want it to be practical and versatile, or do you see it as an opportunity to add flair to your outfit? Understanding this helps us suggest suitable stores for your shopping needs.

It’s important to note any strict boundaries, such as avoiding showing cleavage or certain body parts, regardless of religious or personal reasons. Knowing these boundaries helps you quickly determine if an item will provide the coverage you desire.

Questions 5 through 9: Closet and wardrobe size

Knowing the number of pieces in your wardrobe helps both you and us decide whether a wardrobe purge or re-shopping is advisable. It also guides us in finding solutions for storing your clothes. This helps us in multiple ways during your personal style assesment.

Mostly As: You most likely don’t need to purge any items and could do for a session of playing around with different outfit configurations and make a list of where there might be holes in your wardrobe or making note of what may need replacement. You might even need to shop or create a wardrobe vision board.

Mostly Ds & Es: You should definetly either make time to do your own closet purge session or call us and we can help you go through your wardrobe. During a purge you will do an initial sort and assement of what needs to go, what can stay, and what needs replacing, then as you put things back, recommend asssesing how it’s stored and determining a system of how you track what you are actually wearing.

Mix of it all: You might have to little clothes and get overwhelmed and feel you have nothing to wear. We recommend a closet re-shop session where you create as many outfits possible, but also maybe you need to create better closet architecture and organization so you will most likely need to make a list and get shopping for clothes and closet solutions.

Have some more questions? Email Orly@zahavischwartz.com and she can get you scheduled for your free 15 minute personal style assesment

Note if you have specific questions about Closet Architeture or a Closet Purge or a Closet Re-shop you can purchase indivualized in-person services(NJ/NY/EASTERN PA/CT ONLY) or virtual sessions. We also will be releasing our popular classes we teach with Ridgewood Community School Virtually by the end of 2024. If you would like a step by step DIY version be on the look out for those or join us in class!